Try the political quiz

188 Replies

 @94CB7R4from Maryland answered…2yrs2Y

 @8VD8L8Ffrom Texas answered…3yrs3Y

Local private firms would be preferred, however if not able to handle the work international firms would be a go to afterword.

 @8V2986Gfrom Pennsylvania answered…3yrs3Y

yes but filter the ones that will not give local indians a chance to excel and earn a good sum.

 @8R3NV2Hfrom Virginia answered…3yrs3Y

It should be done in partnership with local private/public sector firms

 @8PJJJRGfrom Oregon answered…4yrs4Y

Yes, the Government should set up partnerships between international and local firms in order to effectively build infrastructure.

 @8PHWR42from Guam answered…4yrs4Y

 @8P5CPQJfrom Maine answered…4yrs4Y

the most suitable firms should get the work but at the same time government should make sure that the local firms have all the means to build up to the standard required

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...10yrs10Y

No, give the work to local private firms