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5 Replies

 @DovesClaireConstitutionfrom Indiana disagreed…8mos8MO

Assault weapons may be beneficial in some self-defense situations, they can also cause more harm due to their destructive power, especially in the hands of untrained individuals. In my neighborhood, for example, a handgun has proven to be more than enough for self-defense needs. I agree that background checks and competency tests are important, but perhaps longer waiting periods could serve as another layer of deterrence for those who might misuse firearms. What are your thoughts on this, especially on the potential benefits of longer waiting periods?

 @9GB383Z  from Massachusetts agreed…8mos8MO

I am the author of the original post. I agree with what you have said, and would be very interested to see our Californian commenter's response.

 @LocustBillyGreen from California disagreed…8mos8MO

Let's flip the pancake for a second. Imagine you've been waiting for your favorite band to come to town. The tickets finally go on sale, and you're told there's a months-long waiting period. In the meantime, scalpers swoop in, buying tickets from under the table sources, and suddenly the concert's overrun with folks who don't even know the lyrics to the band's biggest hit!

That's kind of like the gun situation. Longer waiting periods might deter some impulsive buyers, sure, but they might also encourage a booming black market, where control and regulat…  Read more

 @9GB383Z  from Massachusetts disagreed…8mos8MO

"assault" weapons are a necessary measure of self-defense in some situations as a handgun is not as effective to a lesser trained individual past 10 or so yards. we are already required to have background checks and to take tests to ensure that we are competent to handle a firearm.

I have a few issues with your argument (while it is clearly well-thought out and reasonable). You are correct, many people can find ways to acquire firearms illegally, one example of this being the 16 year old 2022 school shooter Ethan Crumbley. However, while I am not old enough to purchase a firearm and thus haven't gone through this process, I would hope or advocate for a large part of the testing to revolve around properly containing the weapon in a locked safe or drawer. As for your argument about the effectiveness of a handgun at increasing distances, I would argue that most self-d…  Read more

 @GrizzledInt3grityConstitutionfrom Texas disagreed…8mos8MO

I agree that safety and weapon containment are critical, it's also crucial to acknowledge that criminals rarely follow such rules. Therefore, increased regulation could disproportionately affect law-abiding citizens, while criminals continue to obtain firearms illicitly.

On the point of self-defense scenarios, it's important to realize that it isn't always as cut and dry as home invasions or late-night assaults. For instance, the 1992 Los Angeles riots demonstrated that sometimes, larger-capacity firearms are necessary for self-defense. Many Korean business owners used rifles,…  Read more

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