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24 Replies

 @9H2P7GD from North Carolina agreed…7mos7MO

If we defund the police the public crime rates would sky rocket and we wouldn't have defense against it.

 @9H57GVD from Nevada commented…7mos7MO

1.) This is entirely hypothetical and not based on repeatable data
2.) Police are reactive to crime, not preventative.
3.) Community defense is a thing

 @9GXNV85Republican from Missouri agreed…7mos7MO

Yes I do. Police training could be improved, but defunding them would provoke the exact opposite effect. Police are a keystone in holding a modern society together

 @9H38RDN from Nebraska agreed…7mos7MO

hell yes we need the police to keep everyone safe, if we dont then people will just break into things and places and no one can do anyhting about it.

 @9GXJNMKWomen’s Equality from Georgia agreed…7mos7MO

I agree, I think that certain areas should be funded more. Like more crime-populated areas. I don't think I'd base most of my opinion on the media though. I like to look at both sides.

 @9GYJQ83 from California agreed…7mos7MO

I agree 100%. People who beg to defund the police are the same one complaining about lack of policing within neighborhoods and crime rates rising.

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas disagreed…7mos7MO

No they're not. People who want to defund/abolish the police (assuming they actually know what they're talking about and aren't just using progressive bandwagon talking points) understand that the alternative solutions require significant increases in public services and social safety nets to improve the material conditions of the public. The biggest root cause of crime is poverty, so abolishing the police without also doing something about guaranteeing public access to food, shelter, healthcare, education, transportation, etc. isn't going to solve any problems. Police do…  Read more

 @9H2QT9R from Wyoming agreed…7mos7MO

The police are a vital part of any society. And as criminals today have easier access to weapons, body armor, improvised explosives, and more, the police should be readily available, highly trained, and well-funded so they can properly take care of crime.

 @9GYNPH6 from California agreed…7mos7MO

Police keep us safe, you cannot argue that police brutality has been and continues to be a big issue in several countries but the fact of the matter is that most likely without them the the city would break loose.

 @9GXSDNK from California agreed…7mos7MO

Agreed, police officers get a bad rep from the media. Shows only the bad side of situations and doesnt give them credit for how much crap they have to deal with. No doubt there is some corrupt cops out there but its pretty rare. The media puts these corrupt cops on blast, as they should, but it gives the general population the mentality that all police officers are evil.

 @9GXKRT2 from Tennessee agreed…7mos7MO

Yes. The police force does more for society than people give them credit for. Take Woodstock 99' for example. A world without a police force will burn to the ground.

 @9GXFR7Q from Indiana disagreed…7mos7MO

From a materialist perspective, all crime is a result of failures of our system to supply our mental ill and impoverished with sufficient resources. Defund the police and build resources for our communities.

 @9GXFD7Y from Georgia agreed…7mos7MO

I agree a lot with this because without the police the country will be filled with crime since there will be nobody to stop these criminals. The police should not be defunded and if you think they should be do your research.

 @9GXFC9V from Iowa agreed…7mos7MO

I agree with this because people just want the police gone because of BLM which is BS because we have bigger problems than that in this world, all social media shows is the bad problems they clip out parts of what is actually going on to make it seem bad, you try being a cop you deal with a lot more stuff than social media shows its not cops fault that people are stupid

 @9H2QRWS  from Virginia agreed…7mos7MO

A government without good enforcement is as good as no government. You aint gonna call neighbor George to do citizens arrest on a robber, and rules only work when there is a force to make them work.

 @9GXPDHDRepublican from Florida agreed…7mos7MO

I do not agree with the defunding of the police force. The police protect our country and local residents and communties.

 @9GXJ5YD from Virginia agreed…7mos7MO

When discussing corrupt police, people dont just look at the single officer they take it out on the entire police system round the country. I agree with this comment because whos gonna stop them from doing something bad.

 @9GXHFD6 from Texas agreed…7mos7MO

I strongly agree, people who think we should defund the men who keep us safe are idiots. Some men may commit heinous actions that are not representative of what cops believe.

 @9GXFBXV from Nevada agreed…7mos7MO

Agree. The media only likes to highlight extremities: in this case, a negative extremity. At the end of the day, more officers are trying to protect than there are trying to harm. Instead of shunning the entire force, work to establish better training and stricter recruits.


I agree, a police system is completely necessary to maintain peace and order in society, and those who want to defund them are acting upon emotion not logic.

 @9GXFY2H from New Jersey agreed…7mos7MO

No i don’t agree with defunding the police. I think they need to be trained better on approaching and handling situations.

 @9H26GGN from Missouri agreed…7mos7MO

i do not agree wih defunding the police because the police are needed to help keep the community safe and help protect the city


Proper training for police will lead to good law enforcement. Cutting funding to the police will lead to less training and more problems. The vast majority of police officers are doing a fabulous job and need to be commended for their valiant efforts to keep society safe.

 @9GXG47D from North Carolina agreed…7mos7MO

I agree, if you defund the police who will come save you when you need help? Defunding the police not only will make their job more dangerous but they get paid less making them not want to put in as much work.


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