Try the political quiz

4 Replies

 @9HJ5QL4 from Kentucky answered…6mos6MO

Their would be less crime rates because there would be no reason to do harm. Not only that it would help many citizens in their problems and give them a boost.

 @9HJ5JNC from New York answered…6mos6MO

I think then everyone would truly have the foundation to grow and better themselves

 @9HJ68RQ from New York answered…6mos6MO

Something like that sounds like communism to me, great in theory but doesn't turn over well in practice. People will manage to make an uprising out of it, unfortunately, however I would not be opposed to something like having all basic needs fulfilled. It is not guaranteed that this would happen, however it is likely due to the fact that there are people who have superiority complexes and/or will try to call imbalances.

 @9HJ5KGWRepublican from Pennsylvania answered…6mos6MO

Everyone's lives would be too easy and this would lead to soft people running the country, leading to tough times.