Try the political quiz

5 Replies

 @9KJ9LWL from California answered…3mos3MO

You would probably be more likely to stand out due to your talents and interests in a monocultural society due to the fact that anything that is unrelated to the single culture that is supported would be extremely easy to differentiate from the social norms.

 @9KJKGKC from California agreed…3mos3MO

Yes. Although some socially acceptable talents or skills can blend in with the societal norms within a monocultural society, different skills and interests would be scrutinized or provide room for new opportunities and cultural diversity. It depends on the skill and interests but overall more likely.

  @SashaVanLammerenDemocrat from Virgin Islands answered…3mos3MO

In a monocultural society, people are less likely to stand out from the crowd. This occurs because in a monocultural society, the norms are so rigid and the expectations are so specific, that if you are different you would be disregarded as someone strange or 'not fit' for society. A few people, part of an elite, would dominate this society since they know the 'standard' expected.

 @9KJ9DCD from Washington answered…3mos3MO

A monocultural society is bad in everyway, it leads to facism. Thats what facism wants.

 @9KJ9H47Women’s Equality  from Texas answered…3mos3MO

I'd be more likely, because someone has to stand up for it so why not me.