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15 Replies

 @TautPublicPolicyRepublican from Florida commented…2mos2MO

Mexico is responsible for sending fentanyl into the U.S., not China.

 @HeronJohnnyNo Labels from Texas disagreed…2mos2MO

It’s been widely reported that American citizens smuggle in the bulk of fentanyl that gets into the US.

 @MildOwlMountain from Georgia disagreed…2mos2MO

No surprise that it's American "entrepreneurs" who are the fentanyl smugglers. Primary blame still rests with the buyers. Free country. If people want to die using fenynl or a glock, USA allows. No monitoring medicine cabinets. Keep Republicans out of our bedrooms and bathrooms.

 @HeronJohnnyNo Labels from Texas agreed…2mos2MO

Problem is many don’t know they’re taking fentanyl. They’re told it’s oxy or coke or something. Not good but the point is stopping it at the border is not the fix. Education is: buy edibles legally…no pills for thrills, et

 @MildOwlMountain from Georgia agreed…2mos2MO

That too. Buying street drugs is just stupid. Period. People dumb enough to do that deserve whatever they may get.

 @SomberPorpoiseDemocratfrom Virgin Islands disagreed…2mos2MO

It’s BOTH their fault.What is scary is that our media never reports that we fought wars over the border with Mexico -or notice academic activists talking incessantly about opium wars & giving smallpox infected blankets to indigenous peoples—not noticing incitement to hate/revenge

 @TautPublicPolicyRepublican from Florida disagreed…2mos2MO

Sorry china is in with the cartels most of it is made in china it also comes through mail

 @SparrowScarlettPatriotfrom Pennsylvania disagreed…2mos2MO

I was under the impression that China was still sending the fentanyl, precursor chemicals to Mexico.

 @TautPublicPolicyRepublican from Florida disagreed…2mos2MO

The fentanyl wouldn’t flow if Americans didn’t buy it. It’s called root cause. Remember ?

 @L1beralPumaLibertarianfrom California commented…2mos2MO

Tariffs often cause more trade diversion than trade protection. Well known globally. Yet the wrong rhetoric always wins out.

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington commented…2mos2MO

This year, there will be an election in Mexico that will oust its socialist Dictator. Two far-leftists will be eliminated in the Americas – and Trump & the New Mexican President can work together to end these evils, just like Mexico worked with Trump last time around.

 @T3rritorialSidLibertarian from Pennsylvania disagreed…2mos2MO

This is nonsense!

The Fortworth Airport is actually the Texas end of the largest in-land port system in earth, where for nearly 30 years, China established a “just-in-time” delivery centre for electronics, including 95% of smart phones, auto and medical electronic components!


Would you endorse higher prices on goods if it meant upholding fair trade practices, and why might this decision matter to you personally?


Do you believe it's ethical for one country to use another as a conduit to bypass tariffs, and why might this impact your view of international trade?


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