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7 Replies


future generations are going to have to learn how to dream realistically because the wealth gap has quite literally eliminated the american dream of a house and a family with a picket fence and all that, everyone eventually is gonna be living paycheck to paycheck while the rich keep on getting richer

 @9LDDGGC from New York disagreed…2mos2MO

You work for what you get in this country. Nothing comes without hard work. It may be harder for some but it is never impossible.

 @9LD3M9Z from Texas agreed…2mos2MO

The economy at this point in time seems to put extra amounts of stress on the youth to need to be financial stable at such a young age or to have so much experience to even get a job that pays well enough to be satisfied with ones self.

 @9LBQ3PTIndependent  from Pennsylvania answered…2mos2MO

Eliminating the wage gap may lead to younger generations feeling less separated from older generations due to differences in income.

 @9LBSMFJ from Texas agreed…2mos2MO

the way older generations were able to buy houses in their early years versus how the younger generation today cannot even think that buying a house is possible. the younger generation may feel less successful than the older generation when they were the same age.

 @9LBR5XLIndependent from Washington answered…2mos2MO

I admit Germany has a financially feasible social system in place that isn’t over-taxing the people. There are many places the government can take over your life and there’s a lot of red tape on simple matters but I have witnessed firsthand that it is very suitable for the German citizens. The key is Americans have a different culture and we value freedom and individual choice more than supposed security that has strings attached.

 @9LBQZ3L from Arizona answered…2mos2MO

Younger generations may feel more open with dreaming bigger for their future, without worrying how much something may cost. Or how they'll afford even getting to that point.


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