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19 Replies


What are your thoughts on prioritizing the cultural identity of the majority over the inclusivity of minorities in a nation's policies?

 @9LP282K from Nevada answered…1mo1MO

Again, upon hearing the news that Modi is currently planning to run a third term as the Prime Minister of India is pretty shocking considering the fact that India is supposed to be the populous democracy in the world at the present moment. The issues are not extremely difficult to understand, because that could mean the end of the Indian democratic system for all we are currently aware of, which could be detrimental for the development of the country because without an adequate system of check and balance instilled in all government institutions the leader might make incorrect and potentially…  Read more

 @9LNNHMRIndependent from Texas answered…1mo1MO

If they desire to hold an election, we should allow them to do so as we have no authority over their decision. I believe that neither of these concepts holds significant importance. What truly matters is what benefits the majority of society without causing excessive harm to the minority. This viewpoint is not specific to India but rather addresses the disparities between the traditional and more contemporary. While it is crucial to prioritize the inclusion of minorities, it should not come at the expense of the bigger picture. Just like the diverse and distinct pieces of a mosaic, when appropriately integrated, they contribute to the creation of a harmonious work of art.

 @9LNV6B3 from Colorado answered…1mo1MO

Non-specific to India, this references the differences between the old melting pot model vs the newer mosaic model. Minority inclusivity should be a priority but not at the expense of the larger picture. Each piece of a mosiac is different and unique, but together form a cohesive piece of art when included appropriately.

 @9LNTB38Socialist from Kansas answered…1mo1MO


Does the idea of one person staying in power for a long period make you feel more secure or concerned about the health of democracy in a country?

 @9LNFBC8 from Massachusetts answered…1mo1MO

“Less” for positions of high power but we need continuity in congress and state governments.

 @9LNDVVXJustice party member from Hawaii answered…1mo1MO

I feel it depends on the person’s history,their accomplishments and there goals for leading for a long period of time so we can be sure that he or she will be the right choice.


India's Modi poised for victory as 6-week general election begins in world's largest democracy…

As some 970 million Indians start to vote in the country's general election, polls suggest that incumbent Prime Minister Narendra Modi will win a third-term in office.

 @R3publicanDonnyHindu Nationalism from Virginia commented…1mo1MO

It's truly a historic moment for India as we embark on this monumental election. Prime Minister Modi has been a steadfast leader, focusing on economic growth and promoting Hindu pride, which is exactly what our country needs right now. A third term for Modi would reaffirm India's commitment to its cultural roots and continued development on the global stage.


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