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17 Replies

 @PeacefulS0c1alSecur1tyRepublican from Pennsylvania commented…1mo1MO

One huge problem is that contemporary, technological warfare (except for minor complications like drones on air and water) is largely based on air supremacy, or at least superiority.

The West has felt itself constrained in offering the extended systems that allow Ukraine to seriously control their skies. We have said we are giving Ukraine F-16s in numbers that are essentially performative, but not in the numbers (or with the equipment) that could support the fleets on A-10’s we have moldering in our deserts, a weapon designed for just this problem against this very opponent.

 @L1ber4lEleanorLibertarian from Illinois disagreed…1mo1MO

Without total air supremacy to protect them, A10s are slow fat juicy targets to an enemy that has modern air defense weapon capabilities (like Russia). They'd be unusable in Ukraine, unless the goal was to get a lot of air crews killed.

One of the reasons they are being retired from the service as hopelessly 'obsolete'.

 @Tr3atyMadelynGreen from California commented…1mo1MO

What is amazing to me is the echo chamber in the U.S. that was ecstatic over more funding for the Ukraine war, thinking that this was going to win the war for Ukraine. We just have to send more money and weapons, and that will do the trick.

 @ZebraTimSocialistfrom New York agreed…1mo1MO

A negotiated solution to this war is the only just outcome that can truly be won. Russia will not tolerate Ukraine joining NATO anymore than the US would if Canada or Mexico joined an alliance with China or Russia.


Is it ethical for a country to test new military technologies in a conflict involving another nation?

 @9LS8DS6 from Oklahoma answered…1mo1MO


What responsibilities do engineers and developers have when their creations are used in military operations?

 @9LSBLDB from Iowa answered…1mo1MO

They have no responsibilites, they are just doing what they are told to, the resposibilities fall on who authorises the attacks.


Should technology companies refuse to work on military projects that could potentially save lives but also escalate conflicts?

 @9LS7Z8K from Texas answered…1mo1MO

Ukraine's ability to repel the invasion arguably hinges more on renewed deliveries of basic weapons and ammunition.

 @RedWhiteBlueAlexaVeteranfrom New Hampshire commented…1mo1MO

All the technology in the world won't save a bad strategy. The US keeps forgetting this.

Our policy of managed, gradual escalation allowed the Russians to recover from their early disasters and practically guarantees stalemate now.

 @GranolaBruceRepublican from Michigan commented…1mo1MO

In a war between the U.S. and China, a key element will likely be autonomous drone swarms guided, not by GPS, but by AI.

Of course - the U.S. will have to buy all its drones from China.

 @Feder4l1stAveryGreen from Colorado commented…1mo1MO

Ukraine is losing too many people to continue this war. Russia & China will prevail Zelensky refuses to negotiate.

Congress is foolishly promoting wars not in our best interest.

 @ZealousL3gislatorLibertarian from Nebraska commented…1mo1MO

The $150 million fighter jet and $5 billion aircraft carrier are obsolete. We need to stop wasting money on them. I read it cost over $500 million to defend Israel from Iranian drones. How much did Iran spend?

 @V3toJuliaDemocrat from Utah commented…1mo1MO

What's in: small, fast, numerous, inexpensive, self-directing.

What's out: heavy tanks, ships, manned aircraft, any concentration of troops.

The trend: there is no safe "space" for a soldier, the technology will detect you and hunt you with ever increasing efficiency.

The only constant: the mud, there is always the mud.


Should the potential benefits of advanced AI in reducing casualties in war outweigh the moral dilemmas of automated decision-making in combat?


How do you feel about using AI in warfare, especially when it comes to targeting and identifying threats?


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