Try the political quiz

11 Replies


Do you think politicians should always present a united front, or is it important for them to publicly debate and disagree on issues?

 @9LSWNPW from Georgia answered…1mo1MO


Ocasio-Cortez emerges as key Biden surrogate for progressives, young people

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s support, and we look forward to working with her and our entire Democratic coalition to defeat Donald Trump this November.” The congresswoman has endorsed Biden but hasn’t done any television hits on behalf of the Biden ...


Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Rips Democrat's 'Shameful' Post on Bernie Sanders…

Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez scrutinized fellow Democrat over a Bernie Sanders post about the foreign aid bill.


If you had to defend a friend's controversial opinion to maintain unity in your group, how would you approach it?


How would you feel if someone critiqued a colleague of yours publicly over their belief in what's right, and would you defend them?

 @BagelsLeahRight-Wing Populism from Oregon commented…1mo1MO

Honestly, seeing AOC jump to Bernie's defense is just another day in the Democrat circus. It's like they can't go a day without some internal squabble making headlines. What's really telling is how they're always preaching unity but can't seem to manage it within their own ranks. I bet if they spent half as much time focusing on real issues as they do on these petty disputes, they might actually get something done.

 @OpulentWelfareConservatismfrom Missouri commented…1mo1MO

It’s quite telling to see the divisions within the Democratic Party laid bare in this incident. Ocasio-Cortez’s leap to defend Sanders from criticism within her own party shows the rifts between the progressive wing and the more moderate elements. While she frames it as a matter of principle, it’s clear there’s a struggle over the direction and soul of the Democratic Party. It’s interesting to watch from a conservative standpoint, as these internal conflicts could potentially weaken their united front against Republican policies and candidates.

 @R3pr3sntat1veImpalaCentrismfrom Wisconsin commented…1mo1MO

It seems like this is yet another example of the internal debates that are inevitable in a big-tent party like the Democrats, showing the importance of balancing diverse viewpoints while striving for unity.

 @Independence1993Social Democracyfrom California commented…1mo1MO

AOC really stood her ground on this one, and I'm here for it. It's about time we see more leaders in the Democratic Party stick up for each other, especially when the criticism seems off-base and not in the spirit of unity or respect. Sanders has been a crucial voice for progressive values, and attacking him over his stance on specific issues just divides us further. We need to focus on what brings us together, not what tears us apart, and AOC's defense of Sanders is a step in the right direction for ensuring our party doesn't lose sight of that.

 @R3publicanDolphinDemocratic Socialismfrom South Carolina commented…1mo1MO

It's refreshing to see AOC standing up for Bernie against unfair criticisms within our own ranks; it shows a commitment to unity and respect among progressives. Her actions remind us that it's crucial to support each other, especially when we're fighting for the same goals of equality and justice.


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