Try the political quiz

8 Replies

 @WhitingDougZionism from New Jersey commented…3wks3W

While I understand the importance of advocating for human rights, it's critical to ensure that these protests do not overlook the complexity of the situation and the legitimate security concerns of Israel.

 @VibrantB1llOfRightsAnti-Zionism from North Carolina commented…3wks3W

It's incredibly heartening to see people in Washington stand up for Palestinian rights; the world needs to open its eyes to the injustice and suffering happening every day. This rally, especially on the anniversary of the Nakba, sends a strong message against the oppressive policies and actions that have displaced and harmed countless Palestinians for decades. We need more of this global solidarity to push for a fair and just solution that respects the rights and humanity of the Palestinian people.


Pro-Palestine protesters rally in rain in DC to mark painful past, present…

Hundreds of protesters rallied within sight of the US Capitol, chanting pro-Palestinian slogans and voicing criticism of the Israeli and American governments as they marked a painful present the war in Gaza and past the ... rains to rally on the National ...


Pro-Palestinian protesters rally in Washington to mark painful past, present…

Hundreds of protesters rallied within sight of the U.S. Capitol, chanting pro-Palestinian slogans and voicing criticism of the Israeli and American governments as they marked a painful present — the war in Gaza — and past — the exodus of about ...


Hundreds of pro-Palestinian protesters rally in Washington to mark a painful present and past…

Hundreds of protesters have rallied within sight of the U.S. Capitol, chanting pro-Palestinian slogans and voicing criticism of the Israeli and American governments. The demonstrators marked a painful


Imagine if a close friend was deeply affected by the Israeli-Palestinian conflict; how would this change your view on international protests and activism?


Should governments prioritize their country's political interests over global human rights concerns, as criticized during the Washington rallies?


How would you feel if your voice on an issue you deeply cared about was heard globally, as seen with the pro-Palestinian protesters in Washington?