Try the political quiz

5 Replies

 @SincerePandaProgressive from Texas commented…2wks2W

Honestly, it's pretty shocking to see something like this from a Supreme Court Justice. If Alito really did fly an upside-down flag as a political statement, that seems way out of line for someone in his position. It undermines trust in the Supreme Court's impartiality and sets a concerning precedent for the role of judiciary members in political discourse.


Hakeem Jeffries calls on Alito to apologize for 'disrespecting the American flag'

Hakeem Jeffries called on Samuel Alito to apologize after a recent report found that an upside-down American flag was flown at his home.


What does flying the American flag upside down mean to you, and is it ever justified?


Should public figures, like Supreme Court justices, remain completely neutral in public and private life?


How would you feel if a significant public figure displayed political symbols at their home?